Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Roto-Rooter Drama

Husband wakes to take a pee. Husband notices that the toilet water is at the brim of the pot. Husband wakes wife. Wife doesn't like to be woken up for non-emergencies.(non-emergency being anything other than the bed being on fire) Groggy wife scratches head. Bladder-full husband asks wife what she threw in the pot. Crabby wife pulls pillow over her face. Husband gets the plunger. Wife never hears a thing..... Morning arrives, husband goes to office, wife gets the kids breakfast.....day progresses. Wife goes to take a pee. Wife opens toilet lid, here is what wife finds... wife laughs. Wife remembers her dream last night of crazed husband with plunger. Wife takes a picture because that is what wife does.
(Wife buys Clorox in bulk)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't you mean "went potty"?