Sunday, April 12, 2009

He was pierced for our transgressions. He was crushed for our iniquities. The punishment that brought our peace was upon Him;

and by His wounds we are healed. Isiah 53:3

Today I celebrate my thirty-third birthday and more importantly I celebrate the resurrection of my king, Jesus Christ. I would not even be here to blow out my candles if my creator had not breathed me into life. Everything I have come from, everything that I am, everything that I am becoming is all because He has granted me life, and because He chose me, He has granted me eternal life.
Nothing can compare to my thoughts and feelings on the cross and what it means to me. I am a passionate person about alot of things. I am a passionate person for some very dear, dear people,(and you know who you are:) but I owe everything to a savior who chose to hang on a cross and die because He knew that someday I would be born, and that I would be born a sinner, with Him as my only hope. He knew that without Him I would die a miserable and eternal death, and because He knew that, He chose to wear a crown of thorns, He chose to have nails driven into His hands and feet and because He chose this I can have eternal life and I can celebrate my thirty-three years that He has blessed me with.
What a day for a birthday, what a day to reflect upon all the mercies in my life. What a sweet mingling of having a new age in front of me and having the amazing reminder that Jesus makes all things new.
Live in the passion of what Easter really is, HOPE for us all, a risen king, a love that flowed down from a cross washing over and bestowing us life.

Just because someone asked me, I thought I would share with anyone else wondering. The picture for this post is one that I took of Rock Presbyterian Church in Imperial, MO. This church is sweet to me because it facilitates The Mustard Seed Pre-School, where Ben and Eli attended for a total of five years all together.


Anonymous said...

My sweet, sweet daughter. Yes, to reflect on your birthday all the joy of living because of He who died to make it so. Not just living this life but life eternal. i know the promise of this eternal life because of our Savior and I know the blessing of this life because He lent me you for a time. You came to me through my own body. What an absolute miracle. What an imaginative, creative God we have! Happy 33rd Birthday my beloved firstborn.

Mom said...

I was only going to peruse your blog and save my comments for later.....................................IMPOSSIBLE. You do it to me everytime. I have to type and wipe. (my tears)
What a gift you have. One of many. And what a gift you are. I love you Shannon Aprille (Thierath)Missey.