Saturday, March 14, 2009

Political Correctness

Elijah was dressing up in his Star Wars clone trooper costume. Him and Ben were going to go outside and play with their light sabers. Well, Elijah was having a difficult time getting his costume on, he had already taken it off and started over once because he had it on backwards the first time. Now he was starting to sweat as he tried to manuever the costume up his body. He was in a squating position and he was stuck. He was in between tears and a laugh when I heard him say," Hey Ben, I'm a midget."
Benjamin was growing very impatient with Elijah and I swear he answered him just like this,
"Eli, they aren't called midgets anymore they are called little people."
Where did I get these two from???

1 comment:

Mom said...

I go from crying to laughing to crying and back to laughing on this blog of yours!! And the comments from your very funny children totally crack me up! Where DID you get them from? (Especially Eli?) Of course Benjamin said some pretty funny (and very smart) things, too, unfortunately you weren't blogging yet! Can't wait for my Sam-Sam to share his wisdom with us!